TellyNext Ethics Policy

Welcome to TellyNext! As a trusted source for the latest updates on Indian TV serials, movies, OTT platforms, news, reviews and gossip, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct. Our Ethics Policy outlines personal, organizational and corporate standards to ensure the integrity, transparency and trust of our content.

Our journalists adhere to the ethics guidelines of the Society of Professional Journalists and the National Press Photographers Association.

While those ethics codes provide a foundation, we also adhere to and borrow liberally from practices adopted by the Associated Press.

These policies are for our reporters, editors, administrators and freelancers. Exceptions to these rules may be necessary in exceptional circumstances, but must be approved by the TellyNext Dispatch editor and the National Editor of the States newsroom.


We will not identify survivors of sexual or domestic violence without their consent.
We will endeavor to place information on record with full attribution to the source. Exceptions to this policy will be rare, made only with the editor’s approval, and when the information is critical to the story and cannot be obtained any other way. Further, to be reliable and have access to information we must know the source. We will, to the best of our ability, identify and report any source bias.

The anonymous source must state that his name will be shared with the TellyNext editor.
Not everyone understands journalists’ attribution rules. We’ll make sure sources understand what we mean by “on the record,” “off the record,” “not for attribution,” or “in the background.” Prior to any interview where any degree of anonymity is expected, there will be a discussion in which ground rules are set so that the interviewee understands the reporter’s intent to disclose his or her identity.

“On the Record”:

To be cited and attributed to the named source.

“Not for attribution”:

Information may be used but sources may not be named. Reporters should negotiate to use the best attribution possible and agree on the terminology used in the story to explain how the information is reported. For example, “a source close to the governor” or “involved in discussions” is preferable to “a legislative source.”

“In the background”:

The source cannot be named but the information may be used for further reporting.

“Off the record”:

Information may not be used for publication.

  • Our reporters will never misrepresent themselves to get an interview or story. We will let all sources know when we tape an interview. We do not use hidden cameras, go undercover or pay for interviews.
  • Multiple attempts will be made to contact the primary subjects, sources and/or organizations of our stories We will allow a reasonable amount of time to respond before publishing, although what is “reasonable” may depend on the urgency of the story and the competition. If we cannot reach the parties involved, we will explain in the story our efforts to contact the parties.

Accuracy and Attribution

Our reporting on all platforms will be truthful, transparent and respectful; Our information will be accurate, complete and presented fairly. Our analysis will represent our best independent judgment, not our preferences or our sources. There will be no hidden agenda in our efforts.

If we make an error in our reporting, we will act quickly to address the error, correct it in the story, and note in the story that an error has been made and corrected. We will also make necessary corrections to our social media. If a reader finds an error on our news sites, they are encouraged to email the TellyNext editor, who can be found on the “About” page.

Our reporters will not reproduce stories, images or other content from outside sources without permission and credit. Forgery, plagiarism or otherwise misusing the intellectual property of another company or person is grounds for immediate termination.

Any information taken from other published or broadcast sources should include a link between the credit and the body of a story, or where appropriate related visual journalism, such as photos, videos or graphical elements. There may be times when a link alone will suffice.

Photo editors and video creators can improve the technical quality of photos and video or audio recordings, but cannot change the content or meaning of that media. All photo illustrations, graphics or animations shall be clearly labelled. See more below about digital media integrity.

Digital media integrity

  1. Images used in our reports must always be true.
  2. Video can be enhanced using subtle, standard methods such as adjusting video and audio levels, correcting color due to white balance, removing hums, hums, clicks, pops, or excessively long pauses or other technical errors, and equalizing audio. Word Clear – If the content is not obscured, obscured, removed or otherwise altered.
  3. The content of an image may not be altered in any way. No material should be digitally added or subtracted from the photograph. A person’s face or identity cannot be obscured by Photoshop or any other editing tool. Only minor retouching is acceptable to remove scratches or dust on scanned negatives or scanned prints.
  4. Cropping, dodging and burning, conversion to grayscale and normal toning and color adjustments are permitted but limited to the minimum necessary for clear and accurate reproduction and which restore the true nature of the photograph. Changes in density, contrast, color and saturation levels that significantly alter the appearance of the original scene or individuals are not acceptable. The background should not be digitally blurred or omitted. Removing “red eyes” from photographs is not allowed.

Impartiality and Conflict of Interest

  1. We do not accept anonymous donations.
  2. Our reporters may not work on stories or projects in which they have an interest, whether financial or personal. They should not invest in companies or industries they regularly cover and are instead encouraged to invest in broadly diversified mutual funds. Any conflict or perceived conflict should be reported to the editor immediately.
  3. Editorial decisions are taken by journalists alone.
  4. Those who contribute to TellyNext, whether through financial, service-related or in-kind gifts, do so with the understanding that we focus only on quality journalism. Our fundraisers inform all potential donors, who contribute in any way, that their support does not entitle them to preferred treatment or a relationship with TellyNext staff and in no way protects them from journalistic scrutiny.
  5. Our journalists are prohibited from:
    • participate in or interfere with any political campaign for or against any candidate for public office.
    • induce or encourage violations of law or public policy.
    • Taking any other action inconsistent with applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code or related regulations.
  6. Our journalists, including freelancers, may not accept gifts from any company, person or organization that may have an interest in our reporting. We always pay our own way when traveling for editorial or business purposes. Donations, such as a pen, mug or certificate to be a guest speaker at a community meeting or service club, may be accepted as long as such items are valued at $20 or less and are given to each speaker. It is our choice to politely decline such items citing our ethics policy. We understand that it is difficult to pay for the food served at such lectures, but we journalists should have a system for them.
  7. Our reporters may moderate and speak on panels at events, including our own newsroom events or state newsroom events underwritten by corporate sponsors, as long as their role is purely journalistic; Sponsors do not determine panelists, content or questions. Our journalists may speak at events hosted by other companies or organizations if the event is otherwise consistent with this policy and with the editor’s approval.
  8. All employees, contractors and interns who report or edit news must refrain from all partisan political activity, including making contributions or displaying political signs. This same principle applies to all social media and other forms of digital communication.
  9. Nothing in this policy is intended to discourage our journalists from voting. Nor can this policy be extended to family members. However, editors should be alerted to potential political or business conflicts involving family members of journalists.

    Commitment to Continuous Improvement

    At TellyNext, we recognize that maintaining high ethical standards is an ongoing process. We are committed to continuous improvement and regularly review and update our policies to adapt to new challenges and uphold the trust of our audience.

    Thank you for trusting TellyNext as your source for entertainment news and updates. If you have any questions or concerns about our ethics policy, please contact us at i[email protected]

    TellyNext Team

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