Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 4th September 2024 Written Update
Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye today 4th September 2024, Written Update on TellyNext.com.in
What a commotion at home in today’s episode of KMTMG! It seems that the house is full of insects! Arriving at Amrita’s house, what is the condition of the house! Insects like earthworms are running around. Jahan says that this may have happened due to pipe burst.
Meanwhile, Ishika also says she has the same problem at home. But Jahan says, maybe the insects are coming from Ishika’s house. Jahan wants to play a trick on this opportunity. She calls the municipality team and prepares a paper to spray the house with pesticides.
Actually, there is another game hidden in this paper. If you sign this paper, Amrita and Jahan’s marriage will be cancelled! Babita stole this paper from Jahan’s room like a thief. Ishika very cleverly asks Amrita to sign this paper. But Amrita is very smart! He wants to read the paper carefully.
Meanwhile, Virat is looking for Amrita. He wants to know what Amrita is doing. When he goes to Amrita, he sees that Amrita is about to sign the paper! Virat comes and saves Amrita. Then Virat hugs Amrita. Both are happy for a moment. But this happiness does not last long.
On the other hand, Ishika and Baba are plotting together. What is the plot? Well, listen. They want to remove Amrita from Virat’s life. Why? Because they want Virat and Priyanka to be together. So they plan to do an evil deed.
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They left a fake document in Virat’s room. The document has Amrita’s signature. And in that document it is written that Amrita wants a divorce from Virat.

Now when Virat sees this document, he will think that Amrita really wants to leave him. And then he will never get Amrita back. Meanwhile, Amrita doesn’t know about these things. She loves Virat. And she doesn’t want to ruin her relationship with Virat.
When Virat sees Amrita in the house, he is very confused. He doesn’t understand what Amrita really wants. And Baba and Ishika are happy. Because their plan is working. They feel that very soon Amrita will be gone from Virat’s life.
In today’s episode I saw what a tension is going on! How will Amrita get out of this problem? Will Jahan’s moves work? What will happen between Birat and Amrita? Now let’s see, can Virat catch this plot? Will Amrita be able to prove her love to Virat? To know the next episode must see!
Episode Ends.