Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua (DKTPH) 6th September 2024 Written Update
DKTPH ( Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua ) 6th September 2024 Written Update, Written Episode on TellyNext.com.in
At the beginning of today’s episode, Deepika looked very helpless. Yashwant’s sudden illness! He rushed to the hospital. Doctors said, angioplasty should be done. At that moment the lamp came.
Chirag is the doctor himself! Called the owner of the hospital and decided to do the operation himself with permission. Everyone is shocked! But Chirag assured that the father will be fine. On the one hand, Deepika is tensed, but she is also trusting Chirag.
In the next scene, Lavanya and Omkar have a big fight! Lavanya created her new perfume and invited her friends to taste it. Just then Omkar appeared and asked Lavanya to send her friends. Lavanya gets very angry and scolds Omkar.
But Omkar will not leave easily! He blames Lavanya for risking Deepika’s life and Yashwant for giving her a heart attack. Lavanya, however, is not willing to accept all this. She keeps blaming Omkar again and again.
After this fight, Lavanya got more angry and asked to take her perfume bottles to her office. She said, “I can’t breathe a moment in this house!” Lavanya left before Omkar could do anything. Meanwhile, Neelima asks about Jaswant’s condition. Omkar says he will go to hospital and inform about Jaswant.
Dilko Tumse Pyaar Hua (DKTPH) 5th September 2024 Written Update
On the other hand, Payal went to the hospital to console Deepika. But Sobha also appeared there! What else to do! Once he started blaming Deepika, then started abusing her in a reckless manner. Put all the blame for Yashwant’s condition on Deepika. Before Deepika could say anything Chirag came back. The surgery was successful. He warns Shobha, never to approach his wife like this again.
But the beauty will not stop! He did not leave the lamp. Jumped on him. Said, “You show power over me and my family, but you’re soft in front of your mother! Like a wet cat!”
This time Deepika could no longer stay. She got angry and told Shobha, “One more time you try to talk bad about my husband, I will expose all your deeds!” Shobha was scared and sat quietly. Chirag is surprised! He said, “How did my quiet wife become such a big lioness?” “You are the one who taught me to fight like this,” Deepika said with a smile.
In the next scene, Shobha meets Yashwant, Deepika and Chirag one by one. Jaswant’s words were very emotional. Payal forcefully asks Deepika and Chirag to stay in her house. But Chirag is afraid that his in-laws will say something. So he decides to stay in a hotel.
Just then Omkar comes and says that his children will not stay in any hotel. Deepika and Chirag touch his feet and take blessings. Omkar wants to gift them a new bungalow. But Chirag knows that his mother will not be happy with this. But Omkar is firm in his decision. He says he is giving this gift to his grandmother and won’t listen to anyone.
Today saw a new twist! How did you feel? Are you happy with Omkar’s decision? You have to wait to know what happens in the next episode.
Episode Ends. Take a look at the next episode spoilers! Also read the Written Update of other popular serials.