Anupama Written Update 14th Aug 2024 and Upcoming Story
Anupamaa Written Episode 14 august 2024, Written Updates On Tellynext.Com.In
As seen in the beginning of today’s episode, Anupama went in front of the college principal to take the canteen job. The principal is shocked! Because Anupama is not giving any reference or certificate. Then Anupama did something that impressed the principal. She showed her prepared food to the principal! Said, “Sir, this is my resume!” The principal was impressed by the food and said, “It’s like home cooking!” Anupama said with a smile, “I cook with honey, and honey means sweetness.”
Anupama then said, “Sir, students love to eat out at first, but after a while they remember home cooking. I have experienced that from America.” The principal also agreed. “Well, you’ve got one chance,” he said.
Meanwhile, the college boys are happy to see Sagar’s auto. But Sagar’s younger brother Anuj is sitting in the driver’s seat! Anupama explained to them, “Brother, you have to think.”
Principal asks Anupama to take her tiffin. Anupama said, “Sir, my niece Meenu makes very good tiffins.” Principal praised Meenu. Anupama added, “We also take party orders.” The principal said happily, “So you manage both the canteen and the party?” Anupama is happy! Thus Anupama got the charge of the college canteen. A new chapter in Anupama’s life is about to begin!
On the other hand, Pakhi asks Meenu if she ruined her plan. Meanwhile, Kinjal calls Pakhi and asks her to bring her wallet. But Pakhi refuses to get out of the car. She sends Meenu to Kinjal. Meenu was reluctant at first, but when Pakhi asked her why she had gone shopping, she had to go.
Meanwhile, Anupama misses Anuj a lot. She is very worried about not getting Anuj. Pakhi is called, but Kinjal says there is a big queue, she has to take her too.
Meanwhile, Anuj returns to the auto and says that he went to buy water. Then he remembers breaking the senior boys’ hockey sticks. Anupama consoles him and says everything will be alright. They sit in the auto. Anupama imagines dancing to a romantic song with Anuj.
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But suddenly Anuj puts on the brakes and Anupama snaps out of imagination. She asks, are you good? Anuj says he wants to thank God, because he saw Aadhya and that’s why he wants to go to the temple.
In the next scene, Kinjal and Meenu go to Asha Bhavan. Meenu apologizes to Sagar for her earlier mistake. Sagar also realized that Meenu had made a mistake, so wiped away her tears. But suddenly Meenu remembered that she has to go to school today. She tells Sagar that she will not be able to sit in his auto today. Sagar was very distressed to hear this. He got angry and forbade Meenu to ever sit in his auto again. Meenu cried a lot.
Meanwhile, Kinjal was talking to Nandita. Meenu asks Kinjal to come to her. Kinjal went to Meenu. Bala sees Meenu crying and asks the reason. Sagar says that he has become so strict for Meenu’s sake.
On the other hand, Anuj and Anupama went to the temple. Anupama prayed to Kanha ji for them. Anuj was also happy to hear Anupama’s words.
Anupama Upcoming Story

Sagar and Meenu’s relationship is now under a lot of tension. Again, there is a new hope in the lives of Anuj and Anupama. Below is a brief Spoiler of what will happen in the next episode.
Anupam is praying to God, to see Aadhya again. And just at that moment, someone is calling Aadhya’s name! Anupama couldn’t hold it anymore, so she looked around and saw… Aadhya! Yes, Anupama heard right, there’s Anupama Aadhya!
But what a pity! Aadhya is leaving in a car. Anupama wants to call her, but the words get stuck in her throat. Just then a lady asked Aadhya to put her head on her lap.
What a terrible sight! You must feel like Anupama, right? Anupama can’t even touch Aradhya from so close!
This was brief spoiler of Anupam’s upcoming story for the 15th August episode. How did you feel? I know you are missing Aadhya a lot just like Anupama. Hopefully, they will meet in the next episode.
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