Anupama 10 July 2024 Written Update: Debate between Babuji & Vanraj!
Anupama Written Update 10 July, 2024 On Tellynext.Com.In
In today’s episode of popular serial Anupama in star plus, , we saw Babuji telling Vanraj that the house doesn’t feel like their own anymore. He assures Vanraj that he is a good boy and no one will get a good son like him at this time.
Babuji reminds Vanraj that he took a big responsibility at a young age, built a two-bedroom house, as a big house, and spent all his life’s earnings to build it. He says that Vanraj can do whatever he wants for his children, and this is part of their memory.
But Babuji also says that this house is not only Vanraj’s but also Leela’s. He says that the house formed their base, where Vanraj and his sister were born. He thinks of it as their partner and if it breaks, they will feel the pain.
Babuji tells Leela that they will be happy to sign the paper, and Vanraj can build a new tower and live there. But they will stay here. Hearing this Vanraj gets angry and says that he will die if they stay here. Anuj tries to stop this debate and calls the kids. Anupama also calls them. But Babuji refused to go. Vanraj says in frustration that he tries to balance between his parents and children and he wants both. He can’t live without them both. Babuji tells Vanraj to crush them both.
Finally, Babuji tells Leela that they will listen to Vanraj. Leela asks him to go, but leave him here. Babuji tells Leela that her peers are here, there is no one to scold her or misbehave with her. He says that it is better to leave after a certain age. Babuji tells Vanraj to manage the house and lets them stay away. He says that this way their relationship will be good. Babuji says if Vanraj wants they can meet him, and if they want they can go to meet Vanraj. At the end, Babuji says that this is Vanraj’s life and he should live it the way he wants. He tells Leela to let them spend the rest of their days as they wish.
In the next scene of today’s episode, we get to see an intense heartbreak between Vanraj and Anupama. Vanraj pressures Anupama to sign the NOC, but Anupama refuses. Babuji asks Vanraj to send the property papers and says he will sign. Anupama stops Babuji and asks him to sign the NOC. Anupama thinks their real place is at home, so she won’t let them stay here. Vanraj went out.
Vanraj returns home and asks Kavya where Anupama and the kids are. Kavya says they are in the house. Vanraj is surprised and sends Kavya to bring back the children.
Anupama and the kids are very sad to see Kavya reaching home. Anupama tells Kavya that Vanraj and Babuji threw them out of the house. Kavya consoles them and says that she will bring them back.
Kavya comes to Vanraj and asks him to bring back the children. Vanraj refuses and says that Anupama refused to sign them. Kavya says Vanraj and Babuji have misunderstood them and requests them to bring them back home.
In the next scene, Vanraj, Toshu, Kavya, Dimpy, Titu, Pakhi – all of them are trying to take an important decision together. The thing is, Vanraj’s parents are pressuring him to sign their property papers. But Vanaraj is angry with them, as they have kicked Vanaraj’s wife Anupama out of the house.
Dimpy thinks that if everyone goes together, Vanraj’s parents might sign. But Vanraj knows that they will not welcome anyone. Kavya thinks that if their children are taken away, Vanraj’s parents might lose their minds. But Vanraj doesn’t want his children to get involved in this trouble.
After that, Toshu and Pakhi decide, they themselves will go to Vanraj’s parents and get their signatures. Kavya gets angry and complains to Vanraj that all this is happening because of his daughter. Vanraj says, will he throw his daughter on the street? But Kavya says, then Vanraj’s parents will throw him out. Vanraj says he respects everyone’s relationship. He spent a lot of time with his parents, and now he is a grandfather. But still he wants his parents to accept his wife.
Then, Vanraj decides, he will sell his house and share it with everyone. He wants no more trouble after his death. She asks Toshu to come with her and says, they will bring back Anupama and kids anyway.
Then, we see that Vanraj wants to buy Babuji’s house to build a tower. But Anupama opposes this plan. She feels that the house is not just made of bricks and wood, it holds the memories, love and traditions of her and her family.
Vanraj tries to convince Anupama that building the tower will be good for everyone. All will get new facilities. But Anupama remains steadfast. He says, “This house is our life. If it breaks, we break too.”
Birds and poetry support Anupama. They say that Vanraj is only looking out for his own interests. Anuj, Vanraj’s brother, says they should let their parents spend their last days in this house.
Vanraj gets angry and asks Anuj to leave with Anupama. He says he loves Anupama and has to think about his children too. But Anupama stops him. She says that if Vanraj really thought about his children, he would not have decided to break this house.
The episode ends on a tense moment. Anupama still refuses to sign and it is unclear what Vanraj will do. To know more about this, watch the next episode and keep an eye on our Written updates page.